Sunday, April 13, 2014

Alissa's Mission Farewell Talk

[Hey, everyone! So, I gave my first talk in sacrament meeting at the age of 22 (sad, I know) and I've been a member my whole life. But, I know I will remember this forever! 

Here is my mission farewell talk! I know some of you wanted me to post this, and so I am. ]

Mission  Farewell Talk: Topic – Joseph Smith and the Restoration Through Him
Hello Brothers and Sisters - for those of you who don't know me, my name is Alissa Marshall; I have been a member of this ward since December 2010. The reason why you haven't seen me around is because I have been attending Brigham Young University in Idaho during the winter and spring semesters, and I spent most of last year in New York with my fiance, and his family.  What a great opportunity I’ve had these past years on learning more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, from going to a church college, and by the examples of roommates, teachers, friends, family, future family, and from taking a Mission Prep class on campus. I was impressed how every teacher has to have an active Temple Recommend in order to teach at the college, and so the spirit was always strong, in the walls in every one of my classes. I believe Byui has prepared me well, especially when it comes to one of the most important topics in our Church History: The Restoration of the Gospel of Christ, through the Prophet Joseph Smith (What makes this topic more meaningful to me is that Joseph Smith is actually my cousin by blood, just six times removed. Therefore, I naturally feel even more obligated to continue on the work which he helped to start, as I have been preparing to serve the Lord as a Missionary).

Joseph’s Purpose

     Joseph’s family was part of the Presbyterian faith, and he did not want to be affiliated with this church; he felt uneasy and that there was something missing after he recognized what the other Christian religions taught. There were times where Joseph sat in different churches when time permitted, and discovered that each religion had their own meaning of the same Bible verse, and this confused him on what to believe. In Joseph Smith History one, verse six, Smith recognized “…the seemingly good feelings of both the priests and the converts were more pretended than real; for a scene of great confusion and bad feeling ensued-priest contending against priest, and convert against convert; so that all their good feelings one for another, if they ever had any, were entirely lost in a strife of words and contest about opinions” (JS history 1, v. 6). Joseph recognized how each religion was in a competition with one another, which was something like someone trying to win someone over using flattery and fabrication; this type of persuasion did not make sense to him. He noticed that the churches “…used all the powers of both reason and sophistry to prove their errors, or, at least, to make the people think they were in error. [These religions] … in their turn, were equally zealous in endeavoring to establish their own tenets and disprove all others” (JS-History 1 v. 9). Regardless if these churches used their own reasoning, and logic to persuade the people, it did not make sense to Joseph for the priests to use wickedness to try to bring its members closer to Christ; for these leaders were not following Christ’s examples, as mentioned in the Bible.

The Apostasy

     In the time of 1838, the world was in an Apostasy. The world has been in a form of Apostasy, since the last true prophet along with those who had the proper authority to perform God’s ordinances, [which helped to build up his righteous kingdom]; after their death, many people were left alone to seek for religious truth. President Boyd K. Packer, acting president of the twelve apostles said this about Apostasy: “The apostles were martyred, and in a time, an apostasy took place. The doctrines of the Church were corrupted, and the ordinances changed. This universal apostasy required a restoration of authority- of the priesthood keys, of doctrines, and of ordinances” (Missionary Preparation Student Manual, p. 73). True to the Faith, page 13, defines apostasy as, “When individuals or groups of people turn away from the principles of the gospel, …and… turn... [toward] wickedness” (Truth to the Faith, p. 13). The word of God could not be received in the fullest. The principles of the gospel, as stated in the Articles of Faith, chapter one, verse four, in this order, contain [“first, having Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, second, Repentance, third, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, [and] fourth, laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Articles of Faith, 1:4). Many religions may practice this procedure, but if not done with the Priesthood, the acts are done in vain; This reminds me of a similar example from Brother Palmer, my Missionary Preparation Teacher, at Brigham Young University, Idaho. He asked the class about a month ago, “if an ice cream man or a police man pulled you over to give you a speeding ticket, who has the proper authority [to do so]”? Obviously, it would be the police man, and you would not question his authority. Doctrine and Covenants section 123, verse 12, mentions, “For there are may yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it.” This passage relates to Joseph Smith, and his desire to seek for the truth. He indeed, did not know where to find the truth.

The Power of James One, Verse Five

     Joseph, as curious as he was, went to the Bible to see if he could find the answer he was looking for. While working, he stumbled upon the Epistle of James one, verse five, which read, “ If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraided not; and it shall be given him.” The scripture which Joseph read made it quite clear, in plain and simple words, to ask Heavenly Father for guidance, when one truly has a desire to know the answer. In Joseph Smith History, chapter one, verse twelve, Joseph explains his curiosity, as he exclaimed, “for how to act, I do not know; for the teachers of religion of the different sects understood the same passages of scripture so differently as to destroy all confidence in settling the question by an appeal to the Bible” (JS-History, 1:12) It seems as though Joseph Smith knew something more about Christ than by what he saw from conflicting religions. If the word of God, is the word of God, why did so many people have different opinions about doctrine? Shouldn’t the word of God mean the same thing to Him as it does for his children?

The Prayer

     In the spring of 1820, Joseph knelt down in the Sacred Grove in Palmyra New York, and spoke his first vocal prayer to the Lord. A powerful hymn in our LDS Hymnbook, entitled “Joseph Smith’s First Prayer, page 26,” words written by George Manwaring, capture the basic glimpse and sacredness of the boy’s diligence. Verses 3-4 read (quote):

 “ Humbly kneeling, sweet appealing –

‘Twas the boy’s first uttered prayer –

When the pow’rs of sin asailing

Filled his soul with deep despair;

But undaunted, still he trusted

In Heavenly Father’s care

But undaunted, still he trusted

In Heavenly Father’s care.

Suddenly a light descended,

Brighter far than noon-day sun,

And a shining, glorious pilliar O’er him fell, around him shone,

While appeared two heav’nly beings, God the Father and the Son…

[God Speaks,] “Joseph, this is my Beloved; Hear Him!”

Oh how sweet the word!

Joseph’s humble prayer was answered, and he listened to the Lord.

Oh, what rapture filled his bosom, For he saw the living God,

Oh, what rapture filled his bosom, For he saw the living God.” Close quote. Manwearing Emphasizes the importance of how Joseph trusted in the care of His Heavenly Father, and how he felt the Holy Spirit as Joseph saw them, face to face, in a physical body. When talking about this vision, Brother Palmer made this comment: “Wouldn’t that be cool if God and appeared during your first prayer? That would be instant conversion right there!” In the hymn, Manwearing’s lyrics emphasize the importance of how Joseph trusted in the care of His Heavenly Father, and the spirit, which overpowered him when he was in the presence of these two heavenly beings.  There is great importance on the Father calling Joseph by name it means that he already knew Joseph before he appeared to him.

The Answer from the Lord

     Joseph Smith finally received an answer to the question about which church he should join. God’s response actually surprised him. In verse nineteen of Joseph Smith History chapter one, He wrote, “I was answered to join none of them, for that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: ‘they draw near me with their mouths, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.’” End quote. God explains to Joseph that there are many hypocrites, who believe in the word of God, but do not show it in their actions. Another way to explain this is from the New Testament, in James chapter two, verse eighteen, which reads, “Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy work, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.” End quote. This means, if a man believes in God, he must show him by living the principles of the gospel of Christ.

The importance of the Father and Son showing themselves to the lord

      Little did Joseph know right after that moment how important this vision was going to bring the restoration of the gospel. The significance of two heavenly beings was too great to be ignored. “President Joseph F. Smith taught: Quote, ‘The greatest event that has ever occurred in the world, since the resurrection of the Son of God from the tomb and his ascension on high, was the coming of the Father and of the Son to that boy, Joseph Smith to prepare the way for the laying foundation of his kingdom –not the kingdom of man never more to cease nor to be overturned’” (Mission Prep Manual, p. 72). Unquote. His words bring out the connection of Christ’s resurrection, and His appearance with His Father to a boy to make sure that the fullness of the Gospel would be restored on the earth, which was invaluable; They also gave Joseph Smith the proper authority to teach the gospel. “President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, taught [this] about the restoration: ‘In April 1830, the Prophet Joseph Smith organized the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The true church of Jesus Christ was once again among men, with authority, ‘to preach the gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof’’” (“Restoration,” First Worldwide Leadership training Meeting, Jan. 2003, p. 2; Mission Preparation Student Manual, p. 73) Packer recognizes the importance of Priesthood power and the greatness of the work to spread forth the gospel, with God and Christ as its source.

What Joseph had to do

     Once Joseph had the golden plates after several years waiting to obtain them (JSH, Chapter 1), Moroni, an angel, finally said he could take them out of Cumorah’s hill. Later on, Joseph he was given the authority to translate the Golden Plates by God, from reformed Egyptian (Mormon 9:32), with only a third-grade education on his shoulders. With that being said, with a man having that limited amount of knowledge, with everything the Book of Mormon contains, he, could not have translated it by himself; he had the help of God. Russel  M. Nelson of the Quorum of the twelve apostles spoke about the remarkable accomplishment of translating the Book of Mormon: “’Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God! Compare this unique accomplishment with that of other scriptural translations. The King James Version of the Bible, for example, was produced by 50 English scholars who accomplished their work in seven years, translating at the rate of one page per day. Expert translators today do well if they can also translate scripture at the rate of one page per day. In contrast, Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon at the rate of about 10 pages per day, completing the task in approximately 85 days! . . .” ( Missionary Preparation Student Manual, p. 75). This book was published a few days after the church was organized, and the ‘…saints were given the Book of Mormon to read before they were given the revelations outlining great doctrines as the three degrees of glory, celestial marriage, or work for the dead. It came before the priesthood quorums and church organization. Doesn’t this tell us something about how the Lord views this sacred work?” (75). Unquote.

Blessings from the Restoration

     Since the organization of the church, Joseph has blessed future generations with the fullness of the gospel. At first, there was only a handful of members, and now, after generations of missionary work, we now have over 15 million members. There is so much I can say on this topic, and it has been hard for me to figure out all that I can say about his great work, but I do know that the vision which Joseph had, was true and the spirit has testified to me, every time I sing the hymn on page 26 on his first prayer. I know that the church has been restored to its fullness since the translation of the Book of Mormon, and I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God who did his best to follow the Lord’s will.


    When it comes to my mission, I cannot deny the spirit I felt when I sincerely asked if this choice was right for me. My desire started when I discussed principles of the gospel with my fiancĂ© in the summer of 2012, and then I had a strong impression to serve after a talk on Missionary work at BYUi, last year in my winter semester. The spirit was so overwhelming and I knew right then I was going to serve a mission, but I didn’t know when. It wasn’t until after my fiancĂ©, Joseph Canto, left for his mission last December, I finally made the decision and worked on my mission papers.

      I will soon be set apart as a missionary this week, just before I leave for the Provo MTC on Wednesday, April 16th. After my training,  I will be sent to Chesapeake Virginia, which is where I will be serving for eighteen months. It feels strange to pause my education, especially at the age of 22, but I am willing to make these sacrifices for the Lord, for the testimony which I have about this gospel is so great, I want to express my love for the Savior by sharing it with the rest of God’s children.

     I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. ­

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