Monday, September 22, 2014

A Week of nothing but Tests, Patience, and Trial

Well, this week we had the car again. I am so glad we did! 

I bought a bike and later today (hopefully) I get to test it out; it's not the best bike, and I bought it at wal-mart. 

This week we were invited to dinner and we visited Michael and Stephanie. Michael is less-active and Stephanie used to be an investigator. The previous sets of missionaries were overbearing with her, and she mentioned how that pushed her away. Michael has a desire to come back to church, but only when he is ready. I really hope they can come back to church, in some point of their lives!

We visited Eunice, and she has been a member for over a year now. Her testimony is strong, and I love hearing what she has to say. She mentioned that when she found the gospel, she found a spot in her heart that she didn't know she was missing, and she was able to fill it. She also mentioned how there is no way she can turn back now to how she used to be because she wasn't living her best before. The gospel has changed her life, and she is a living testimony of that change. I am so glad that Eunice is a member. She certainly strengthens my testimony about the gospel. 

We went with Sister Matthews to go and find someone who we found on the street while on our bikes. He told us two different street names but with the same number 410, when we asked again what the address was. This was in text. Well, we went to both locations, and the first was in a trailer park, and then the other one was off the street where we live. With the apartment where we live, the person was not there. Through that, though, we found a new investigator, Trish, along with her two children. That is a blessing in disguise. 

 The craziest highlight of the week was when Sister Putnam and I had a lesson with Deb and Jo. They say that their beliefs and our beliefs are very similar, but, in reality, they're not. Deb and Jo believe that we are in a state of consciousness, and there are many levels we have to go through in order to clear up our Karma. Jo said that he worships by meditation, and when he says a certain phrase, or sound, he was so bold when he exclaimed, "And I get to see purple!" and.. this experience was just... different. When they prayed, it's like they have to go through many levels of consciousness in order to pray to Heavenly Father. In a way, it was like they had to part the clouds in order to contact Heavenly Father. They mentioned the sound consciousness, and the space consciousness, and all these other things; they did end the prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, though. We dropped them last week because they were interested, but they did not have a desire to change; they wanted to learn, but not to act. They also wanted to share some of their religion with us, but Sister Putnam, the member, and I could tell that something was missing in their life. Deb is excited to die to get to the next level of life. The only thing we could do at this point, was to drop them, meaning, 'to not stop by anymore.' 

We had to go to a missionary conference, and we had to drive over 90 miles, with our own vehicle, because no member would take us. Members were supposed to take every set of missionaries and we were not supposed to use the miles for the mission, which come from Salt Lake. We cannot go over our set miles, and this means that we just have less people to see. But, the meeting was good; we learned more about how to handle our stress and how we all go through certain stages of stress in our lives; we also learned that we needed to listen to music that had full sentences (even musical phrases, which run in sentences), and how rock music can disrupt our brain waves and the way we think. Our brain follows the pattern of music, and that is why a lot of music can relax and soothe us. Classical music has been proven to help us relax and to grow in knowledge; rock music can do opposite. That stuff was good to know. 

Oh. Another thing. A cockroach 2 nights ago. I saw it in the morning, and I didn't know where it went. Later that night, I was afraid of sleeping because I didn't know where it was. I woke up screaming in the middle of the night because I felt something crawl on my face. I woke my companion up. and she wanted to know what was up. When I turned on the light, the cockroach was right next to me on the bed, and I had to pretty much tear my bed apart (it was moving super fast) so that I could get it. I took the blankets off, flipped the mattress to its side, and then I kept looking for it. It eventually crawled back to the backside of the box spring, which faced me, and I hit it with a shoe. When I did that, the bug touched my hand and flew to the floor. When it was dead, did sister Putnam finally get to see it; I had been telling her that whole session that I did see a cockroach. Well, I was finally able to sleep in peace after 2:45ish in the morning. 

Church was really good; none of the investigators shown up, though. We have a full meal calendar this week, which is really good. 

Oh. Also -- I did some studies and I noticed that it mentions in the Bible that we are not supposed to drink Wine and Strong Drink. God's law has been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith, which is called the Word of Wisdom.

That is all I can say for now! 

 I know that my Savior lives, and I have felt the Atonement in my life as I have come to access it, through repentance and forgiveness, and through prayer. Even though He died for our sins,  we have to receive that access on our own; that is how we can feel God's forgiveness. I know this to be true, and I am so grateful to be a member of this church.

I love you all, and I wish everyone a good week.

-Sister Marshall

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