Monday, September 8, 2014

Transfers, Chaos, and Peace

Well, it was the week of  transfers! Such a busy week! 

I got to say goodbye to some people who I had came to know and who I love dearly. 

We also had some miracles and we were able to teach an investigator whom we had not seen for over a month - Teresa - about the gospel. 

I had a spiritual prompting to give Millie my great-grandmother's scriptures and when I gave them to her, she burst out in tears. This was something she had been wanting for a very long time. She mentioned how she was going to read them all the time and how she was going to bring it with her where ever she went, and even put them next to her in bed (hopefully she will remember to read them when she wakes up! :D ). I am going to miss her. 

When it came just the day before transfers, though, we had to find our own ride to Greenville, and a ride that would take Sister Mahler up to Virginia, which was going to be about a 4 hour drive. It was around 8:30 pm and we still did not have a ride - we had to be up by 4 am or so. Brown was willing to give us a ride after the Relief Society President Called him. We could not ride with him, because he was a male. We eventually got a hold of Jackie, who we wanted to have a ride with (She went with the Elders for a lesson) and she said she could.  The Elders called us back (for they were trying to help us) and told us that they found a ride for us and they set everything up for us. So we had to call Jackie back, around 11 at night, and tell her that she didn't need to pick us up. 

I got to stay with Sister Griffin, one of my MTC companions in Greenville and I got to help her clean and pack; it was so good to see her, and Sister Bowen again (they share the same apartment!) 

Morehead City - this place sure is interesting - and.. I'm right by the water!

 It's offensive to call someone 'African American' over here, and the correct term is 'black.' Where I'm from, it's completely opposite!

There are a lot of women who have a 60's hairstyle with a thick hairband on their head. It almost reminds me of the movie hairspray, but in a southern way. There are even men with 60s hairstyles... 

Some people ask if they can ask someone a question before asking it. 

I am now with Sister Putnam - her and I get along pretty well, and I am relieved. I am now living in a small house. I love the wooden floors.

Anyways, that is all I can write, for now! 

-Sister Marshall 


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