Monday, December 22, 2014

Heart Attacks, Great Lessons, Christmas Conference, and Packages

This week was another great week in Williamsburg. 

I mailed off packages to family and I made some fudge to go into the packages. 

After dark, we can only see people that we know, and we cannot go tracting. We can also do heart attacks, which is when we put on hearts/Christmas trees with scriptures on peoples' doors, and run. One of the houses we went to, we almost got caught! They opened their door right after we left!

We have a new investigator this week, and her name is Hwasund. She is Korean, and she mostly speaks Korean. We have a Korean Book of Mormon for her and we will give it to her by the next lesson. She is also taking lessons from the Jehovah's witnesses every Saturday. I guess she will be taking lessons from us as well; she is very interested in knowing which of the churches is the true church. 

One of our investigators, Pete, has been given to the Elders. It is hard to see him and have a third female come with us every time. He has also cancelled some appointments by not showing up and my companion and I have been confused. He told us he was going to come to church yesterday, and we had a member go and pick him up. When the member got to Pete's place, he told the member that he would be coming back to church on January 21st, a month from Sunday. What is odd to me is that the date is very specific, and is a Wednesday. We don't hold the Church service on Wednesday. Hopefully things will work out and we may know how to best help Pete. 

We had a great lesson with Beth this week. She wasn't able to come to church because she hasn't been feeling well. Jacob came to church, by himself! That is real commitment right there, when someone goes to church alone. Sister Smart and I were so happy to see him there!

Also, on Sunday, my companion and I sang in the church choir. I haven't sang in the choir before, and I was grateful that I was able to. 

We had a great Christmas conference on Friday, with our mission President. We watched The Polar Express. There are so many things in that movie that relate to missionary work! I also felt guilty watching a long movie and I thought about the scripture that told us to not be idle (Doctrine and Covenants 88:124), and how I felt like I wasn't fulfilling my purpose as a missionary because I wasn't able to bring people closer to Christ for an hour or so. One of the Jamestown sisters felt the same way, and she said she felt anxious during the movie. There are so many analogies that can be made in missionary work, and I bet any returned missionary may also feel that way as they watch the movie. When I saw the boy and the girl talk to the younger boy on the train, when they were trying to convince him to get off the train, I felt like that was a Missionary moment. When the boy asked the girl, "Are you sure?" It reminded me of the missionary companionship and how we are not supposed to correct our companions in their conduct, or to point out their flaws. Her reaction was exactly how it is on the mission, in many cases. I felt like the Santa was like the Missionary President.  I have no idea how I'm going to be when I get home when it comes to watching a movie. I might feel exactly how I felt when I watched the Polar Express. 

There were a lot of musical numbers in the conference. 


There have been many times where I have been prompted by the Holy Ghost to do things this week. One of them was when Sister Smart and I were turning around in a dead end, and I had a feeling to go and talk to the man who was raking. We gave him a 'He is the Gift' card and he wants to have lessons with the Spanish missionaries. 


I received the package from the Sammamish Valley YSA ward and I was thrilled to receive it. Thanks to everyone who sent me something! 


I wish y'all a very Merry Christmas! 

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