Monday, December 15, 2014

The Best Week Yet on My Mission

Hi, everyone! This week has been the best week I have had since I've been out on my mission.  There has been so many miracles that have happened this past week, and I believe that striving to be exactly obedient to the mission rules has definitely played a huge part in that. 

The best highlights for Accounting:

- 2 Progressing Investigators

- 2 investigators at Sacrament Meeting (The first in my last 3 transfers!) 

1.) Pete, the person who called us to schedule an appointment to meet with us, is sincerely interested in learning more about the gospel. We met at the church for the lesson. Just the lesson, though, many of the members from the Jamestown ward, and some of the Williamsburg ward stopped him in the hall and were greeting him, and getting to know him better. I have never seen such an effort in all my years as a member of the church and as a missionary. I was thrilled.  When we had the lesson, we taught Pete the restoration (Just the day before, we scheduled a baptism date and the planned date is January 17th! He is very excited about baptism) and the spirit was  very strong during the lesson. He told us about his past life, and how he wants to be a [missionary] for God. Out of all of the people I have taught who have been sincerely interested in hearing about the restored message, he has picked up on the principles quick. I loved watching him learn and seeing him understand a doctrine principle. he believes that Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. One of the things that is new to him is that God, His son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy spirit are separate beings, which act with one purpose (John 17:11, Genesis 1:26-27, ACTS 7:55-56 KJV),The spirit was very strong, especially in the prayer he said. 

He enjoyed the church service, and he stayed for all 3 hours. He asked so many good questions in Gospel Principles class. 
He shook hands with everyone he met and he was very polite and curteous. I was very impressed. 

2.) Beth, an investigator, came to church with  Jacob! Jacob is returning to church and my heart exploded when I saw them both.  Many members (included the bishop) introduced themselves and welcomed them into the ward. One of the sisters sat next to Beth in Relief Society and she helped her through the class. Beth and Jacob are going to have my companion and I over for dinner later; 

Every time I see Beth, her countenance has changed; there is more light about her and she is beaming more and more each time.  
I love their family. They are so wonderful and I am so glad I have the opportunity to teach them! :D 

3.) Brother Hanly is preparing to receive his Patriarchal Blessing :D 

4.) We came in contact with June, who has not been able to come to church because she has been taking care of her husband, who has Parkinson's disease. We taught her the importance of Prayer and Scripture Study.

5.) The work has definitely been progressing since I got to this area.

6.) There have been no conflicts since I have been in Williamsburg, at all. My companion and I work super well with one another, and we also work well with the Jamestown sisters. There is so much love and charity and I can easily say this has been the best transfer I've ever been in, in my whole mission. I feel sincerely blessed and I love being with Sister Smart. She is awesome <3 

7.) I am recognizing more each day that anything is possible with God's help. Anything, whatsoever. Especially more so, with the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 

During this Preparation day, I have almost 20 Christmas cards to write out to the people I miss and love, and I hope I can finish them all before 6 pm, when our preparation day ends. 

Thanks for all of your support!

-Sister Marshall 

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