Monday, November 24, 2014

Transfer Calls!

Hi, everyone!

So this week went by pretty quickly. We did a lot of biking, and we talked to as many people as we could. 

We stopped by Josh and Ashley's place earlier this week and we explained more in depth about the restoration. The lesson went well.

I also went to see an Optometrist to check out my right eye, since the white flashes were still occurring. My eye appears to be fine; the optometrist  told me that my optic nerve just had an impulse because pressure was put on the eye after the tennis ball hit. After the visit, I had to wear some rolled up sunglasses the rest of the day, and I had to wear them in lessons.  

So far, we have one solid investigator, and her name is Shanda. She has been going to Church every Sunday since we heard about her from the Harkers Island Elders. She even drove from Newport to Kinston to go to Stake Conference to hear speakers from the church. I haven't heard of anyone so dedicated in my mission (that is a very long drive!).

I loved going to stake conference over the weekend. I saw a lot of people from New Bern, and I was so glad to see their faces. I even got to see most of my previous companions. 

The last day for Walk and talk was on Saturday; we didn't talk to a lot of people, but we did meet some interesting people. A lot of people say they are solid in their faith. Many people have not heard about the LDS faith and sometimes when we introduce ourselves, a lot of people ask if we are Jehovah's witness. 

So... Transfer calls. This Wednesday, I will be transferred to  Williamsburg, Virginia. It is close to Newport News, and my companion told me I am going to love it up there. I have a long way up and I will have to take the transfer van.  I haven't taken the transfer van before, nor have served in Virginia yet. It is going to be hard leaving my zone. I've grown to love the people here in North Carolina, and I won't have much time to say goodbye. 

Since I am transferring, I do not need to bike for this part of the mission (hallelujah!) until I am transferred to a new area.  I will need to bring my bike up, though, just in case I may use it later on. 

One of the greatest things I have seen on my mission thus far is watching someone's countenance change as they feel and are touched by the spirit. A person's mood even changes. It's happened numerous times on my mission. Even when someone applies the restored teachings of Jesus Christ, their countenance changes. They are happier, more peaceful, and have felt enlightened. Even when my companion and I briefly share a message about the restoration,  and they understand, and believe it, their countenance changes. Change cannot happen without the Holy Ghost. 

I don't think I could have witnessed this change if it weren't for the mission. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve. 

-Sister Marshall 


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