Monday, June 1, 2015

A Desolate Week, And Still Going in Faith

This was a tough week; many of our appointments cancelled, and many of them also fell through. We tracted for hours and we were only able to extend a few handfuls of invitations. Many people were not interested, and told us they have already been saved, and had a belief in Jesus Christ.

Last Monday, our recent convert, Pam, took us sisters (and the Hermanas) over to pick our own strawberries. They sold for $1.99/lb, since they are in season. I haven't picked strawberries before and I took about 2.5 lbs of strawberries from the field. After picking, Pam had us over for dinner and we had a nice, healthy dinner. She still is not smoking, and I couldn't be more proud of her :).

On Tuesday, we had quite the miracle! We saw Sister Hererra and she has said that she told us that she really wants to learn all over again, and she called this "The Restoration of Sister Hererra", based on the missionaries' first pamphlet that we usually give out, called, "The Restoration".

(Later on in the week, we had another lesson with her, and we got to help her understand some of the basics of our religion. We also taught about patriarchal blessings and how they are given from God to help us get through our life and what God wants us to do, and the blessings that come from following their council. Near the end of the lesson, though, Sister Hererra looked at me and she told me how I just had this unmistakable glow that was hard to miss. She told me that she knew God sent me (my companion, and our member) to her, but, specifically, she told me she knew that God sent me to her because I had something to say to her. I thought that was very touching, and I believe it; I hope I continue to be in tune with the holy spirit and say the things which Heavenly Father would like me to say throughout all of these visits that we may have with her. )

We also had a Roster Review with the Ward Council; since there are a lot of military families in this area, we have a lot of people on the Roster that have moved. So many, in fact, that we seriously need to update our 27 pages of our ward directory. We didn't get that far before the missionaries had to leave before 9:00 pm. Luckily we will have these meetings throughout the year so we can get this Roster up to date!

This week was also hard because I got sick to my stomach 3 times this week; the first time because I didn't know the melatonin I had recently bought had a trace of wheat in it, and I woke up with the wind completely taken out of me; another time, I was fed with something with a ton of oil in it, and I felt sick all the next day (I don't do well when something is coated with oil);. The next time, was on Friday when my companion and I split a container of Phad Thai (Thai Dish). She didn't want the vegetarian one with Tofu and so we just ordered the chicken Phad Thai instead. I took the chicken out and soon after I had finished my small portion, my stomach was hurting so bad I had to lie down and stay in for the rest of the night. I was miserable. At least we did some more Roster updating in our apartment, and we also prepared for our lesson that we would be teaching in the 11-year-olds Sunday class.

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We feel like we lost Jena (Jen-eh) as an investigator. She didn't get back to us at all - we left a text, and a message on her phone.

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Yesterday, we were busy on Sunday and we got to meet with our new ward mission leader and have a Coordination for the first time in 6 months (in Virginia Beach). It went fairly well, and we hope the work will continue to progress in this area as we continue to meet with him.

The Lesson with the 11 year olds went fairly well. We talked about the Prodigal's Son, the Lost coin, and the Lost Sheep, leaving the 99 to go for the 1 that went astray. We also pretended to be lost in the church, and the children found us, and their classmate. We also gave them each a Book of Mormon to write their testimonies in, for them to give to their friends.

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Today I am going to color my hair, cook most of my food for the week ( I like to make meals in advance and then stick them in the freezer for an instant meal), go to a Sisters Activity with the Sisters and Sister Training leaders in the area, and I am, hopefully, write some letters.


I hope you all have a great rest of the week!

By the time I come back, it will only be a hot minute! Time certainly flies!

-Sister A. Marshall

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